
I'll Take a Bath Later 它洗完,我再洗 - Sinolingua Reading Tree, Level 3

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The Sinolingua Reading Tree series is a compilation of graded Chinese storybooks and is tailored for kindergarten aged children, primary and secondary school students who are native English speakers
as well as Chinese-English bilingual learners in international schools. This series is divided into 13 levels, ranging from the starter level to the more advanced levels later on. Each level is composed of 20 storybooks, complete with a Reader’s Guide. The starter level is intended for kindergarten aged children to do parent-child reading while the other 12 levels are suitable for primary and secondary school students. As the language difficulty increases level by level, students can select the level that fits them based on their
vocabulary. The series cover topics from the Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP) and the ab initio of the Diploma Programme (DP) established by the International Baccalaureate (IB), and is compiled by using the vocabularies listed in the syllabus of international Chinese language tests, such as Young Learner Chinese Test (YCT), International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), IB and Advanced Placement Program (AP) as well as those appearing in popular textbooks adopted by
international schools. The compilers of the series are experienced Chinese teachers from international schools.

Book Details

Jul 2016

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